Friday, April 06, 2007

Seeing the Future

If a crystal ball would tell you the truth about any one thing you wished to know concerning yourself/life, the future, ore anyting else- what would you want to know? Would you even want to know anything?


Blogger AdamT said...

I would want to know about my future. If I knew about my future, I could potentially change it. If I did not like my future, I would look to change my ways. If I did like my future, then I would continue how I was living my life and try to make as few mistakes as possible. I think that a crystal ball would be a good reality check. If you are heading off in the wrong direction, then maybe the ball could give you a reminder and a wake up call.
A crystal ball reminds me a lot of a report card. Most likely, if you are getting bad grades and not doing well in school, then that pattern will carry with you through the rest of your life. But the good thing is you can change. If you believe in yourself and put the effort into your work, then you will succeed in life.

7:45 PM  
Blogger Joyce B. said...

I wouldn’t want to know anything about my future. I believe that if I saw something from my future and it looked good I might figure it was set in stone and begin to slack off and end up changing my future for the worse. Also if I could only see one thing from my future I might not understand the big picture of what is going on. I believe people should just let their life play out however their life is meant to with out trying to change the future or see what is going to happen. I think trying to see into the future and change the future can only turn out badly because I think every thing happens for a reason even if at the time the event seems to be unfortunate. I think to get the most out of life people must not think too much about the future or dwell on the past. I believe the most crucial thing for people to do is to live life to the fullest by living in the present and being the best they can be no matter how tough times get.

8:44 PM  
Blogger ky k. said...

If a crystal ball could tell me the truth about any one thing I chose it would be my future. I would have it tell my future because I would want to know what I would be when I get older. Whatever it told me I could work for and quit pursuing in the dreams that I wanted. I wouldn't have to waste my time dreams that weren't going to come true. Also I could help myself prepare for it, and I could become the best in what i was suppose to be by the time I got there. There wouldn't really want to be anything else that I would want to know besides who I would end up marrying.

9:11 PM  
Blogger jason k. said...

If a crystal ball would tell me anything about my life I would have it tell about my future. I would really like to know what kind of person I would become and were I am going. If I was going some were I don't like because of wrong choices I've made then I can try my hardest to do the right thing to have a better and more succesful life. I wouldn't have to worry about believing in things that would never come true. That way I could spend more time doing something that is fun or striving for a goal I really want.

9:07 AM  
Blogger Kelsey W said...

If a crystal ball were going to tell me my future I would not want to know anything, I would just walk away. I beleive there is a reason for everything. So, there is a reason why we should not know everything we want to know. If we know everything then life is dull and there is no fun in knowing what is going to happen. Once you know what is going to happen there are no joys and surprises in life. I think everyone should figure out what is in store for themselves on their own with out a crystal ball. It is so much fun figuring out the ways of life by yourself.

1:45 PM  
Blogger Dani H said...

If a crystal ball could tell me anything about my future, I wouldn't want to know anything. Kelsey said everything happens for a reason and I strongly believe that. I believe the future is unknown and should stay mysterious. I believe in making your own decisions. How could anything predict the choices not yet made? I also believe in karma. Anyone could say something and result in bad karma, nothing can predict that. I believe the crystal ball would be telling lies. The future is something to look forward to. If you know some parts, there is nothing to look forward to. Just like when you open a present without anyone knowing, then when it comes time to really open it, it's no longer fun! The fun with life is seeing what happens next, but if you already know what is the point? Live life in the present, day by day, not in the future.

2:19 PM  
Blogger rachel b said...

I do not want to know anything about my future. Although knowing the future may be fun for a little while, eventually it could ruin my life. Life is supposed to be surprising and spontaneous. If I already knew everything that was going to happen to me, I would be bored and afraid. I also would never learn some very important life lessons. So many things in life are taught by making mistakes. If I knew my future and could prevent my mistakes, I might not learn my lesson. Life is not meant to be predictable. The future is something that should be a figured out when the time comes, not before hand.

3:09 PM  
Blogger Lauren L said...

If a crystal ball would tell me the truth about anything i would not want to know anything. If i saw my future then i would have to worry about every little thing i did and wonder if it will effect my future. It would be cool if i saw my future though so i could see if i was happy or sad or homeless. But in the long run i think it would be better if i didnt see anything. Everything happens for a reason like Dani said. If i went every day worring i wouldnt even get a chance to live life to the fullest.

4:37 PM  
Blogger hjohnson said...

If I had the ability to see my future in a crystal ball, I dont think I would want to. I wouldn’t want to because then I think I would go through life trying to make sure that certain things happened and that certain things didn’t happen. I don’t want to know what my life is going to be like before I get the chance to live it. I like the element of surprise and fate that life has, and I wouldn’t want to never be surprised by events in my life. Sure, it would be interesting to know about the events that will happen in my life, but then i would never have the chance to ponder and fantisize about the way I want and hope it will be. I am normally more concered about the events in my life at the present time, instead for example knowing who I am going to marry or what job I will have in my future. I think that fate and destiny and decisions shape our life and I don’t think we should know where our life is going before we get to experience the events leading up to it. Everything happens for a reason and I wouldn’t know what the the outcome of my futrue before getting the chance to see how it all came to be.

4:55 PM  
Blogger Alex A. said...

It would be a tough decision to make, whether or not I would want to see my future, because i might want to change what I saw through the crystal ball. I probably wouldn't want to see my future, because i might not like it and create a mess trying to change it and make it something that i would like more. I might also try to make it come faster than it was intended to come as well, if i really did like what was going on. Although i might like to know what is going to happen in my future, I do not want to see it, because I might make a mess of things to either change it, or make it simply come faster.

5:00 PM  
Blogger mcohn said...

If a crystal ball could tell me one thing I wanted to know about me in the future it would be what career I would get. I would want to know that because if i didn't get the job i want i could change the future and get what i want. But if i did get the job i wanted i could focus on that career and become better at that job. so if i was able to look into the future it would be a two way deal and i would maybe beable to get the job i desire.

5:43 PM  
Blogger P Gomez said...

I think I would ask about my grades for the future, to know what my tests scores would be so i can try to change them. One thing i wouldn't want to, is what I would grow up to be. Whether i have a family or not, I want to live it instead of knowing what would happen, but then again if there was something i didn't like I could try to change it. Especially hockey, i would not want to know about my future in hockey, even though i ask myself all the time what will i do with it, i would not want to know.

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t think I would want to know about my future. To me it would be like ruining a surprise. I live my life to accomplish goals, sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t complete goals that I set for myself. In the end I learn important lessons that lead me through my life. If I did know my future, then I would know what goals I would or wouldn’t accomplish. I wouldn’t even try for the goals that I knew I couldn’t be able to achieve. Then I wouldn’t learn my lesson, and maybe make that mistake later in life. Maybe later in life it would be a bigger deal, and lead to worse outcomes.
If I did decide to see my future I would see if I was truly happy at the end of my life. Because if I was happy at the end, then I would know that I lead a good life, it maybe tough but at least I would know that it always ends up great. Plus it wouldn’t spoil any good surprises or change my life in a huge way. I think I might slack off more because I would know that it ended well. If I had a choice to see my future I would deny it because in the long run I think that it would not change my life for the better but for the worst.

7:34 PM  
Blogger Brianne D. said...

Deep inside I know that I would want to know my future. I would want to know what the rest of my life is going to be like and who I'm going to turn out to be. I'm not a person who takes risks; because I am afraid I would fail. So to know what would happen in the future would help to know if I'm going to fall flat on my face or succeed. But if I knew my future than I wouldn't take risks, because I would know the path I was going to take. I also believe that God will take care of my life. He knows what’s best for me and my future. So I would rather put my life in His hands because He knows what He is doing, better than me. So if a crystal ball could tell me my future I would probably refuse to see it, because my faith and life is in Jesus.

7:38 PM  
Blogger Jared D said...

I would not want to know because I think that it would get in the way of the rest of my life. I would be too busy trying to fulfill what I saw and not live my life to the fullest. My life would be too occupied on fulfilling my destiny that i would miss out on everything. Or if my destiny is terrible or something bad. I don't want to know about it and make me a nervous wreck for the rest of my life. I just feel like my life would be comsumed with the future and not the present.

7:41 PM  
Blogger kyle s said...

If the opertunity for me to know my future came up, I would like not to know what is coming in my future. I would rather go through life making mastakes and having to over come obsticles then knowing what is coming next because why live life if you know what is coming next. I think the reason we live is to love, mess up and be obliviouse to what is to come.

7:43 PM  
Blogger MikeW. said...

I would not like to know anything about my future. The future is filled with suprises. If we ruin these suprises then there will be no order or law in life. A person could break free will. The power of seeing expectations and conflicts could make this person power-hungry. I know for sure that I would do the same. Most people who would want to know about the future would change it to be perfect. If you would notice, anything that is perfect creates jealousy. Jealousy is a terrible thing to have, especially if you are a powerful person. The world maybe even the solar systme would not exist if someone could change the fabrics of reality. The future is iminant, just sit back and relax and let it come to you.

8:21 PM  
Blogger Sara A. said...

I would want to know about my future because then I could know ahead of time if I was going to make a bad decision and I could change that. I think that the crystal ball could tell you that you are doing something wrong and then you can fix it before it gets out of hand. I could make sure that all of the decisions that I make would be the right ones. Even if I knew what my future would be, that doesn't mean that I would change anything. If one of my bad decisions ended up having a good outcome then I wouldn't change my poor decision.

8:22 PM  
Blogger Chelsea R. said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8:39 PM  
Blogger Chelsea R. said...

I don't think that I would want to know anything about my future or anything else. You have to live your life day by day. Each day has a new suprise to it. If I knew what was going to happen in my future each day wouldn't be a suprise. If I knew what was going to happen, it would either ruin everything or it could make everything better. I would rather life each day to the fullest and find out what happens as things happen.

8:49 PM  
Blogger Strahan K said...

I would onlyy ask the crystal ball small unimportant things. Nothing big about my future like where I go to college or even if I go to college but instead join the military. I also don't want to know what my future jobs will be or how my family will turn out. I want that sutff to be a suprise so I can enjoy them. The only info. I would like to have, if any, would be stuff like what my first car is or if I get a new snowboard soon or other small stuff like that. But nothing big and important.

8:58 PM  
Blogger Jena F said...

I really wouldn't want to know what my future is. If I knew I would start to obsess over it, wondering if each decision I made would affect my future in a negative or positive way. My future is a blank slate as far as I am concerned. I will make my decisions based on what I feel is the right at the moment. The future holds possibilities but so does the present. Thinking of the future is nothing more than someone fantasizing about what they could be. They could, instead of day dreaming, work in the present to make their futures the way they want them to. The future isn't set in stone, it is always changing. My future matters to me but knowing what is in store for me would make me fear what is to come. I would rather be surprised then know everything about what will happen to me.

9:26 PM  
Blogger kevin y said...

If a crystal ball would tell me the truth about one thing in my life I would choose not to know anything. If I saw my future and liked or didn't like it I would try so hard on making a decision that would or wouldn't result in that outcome. My life would be so focused about my future that I could miss out on things that are happening in the present. I would rather have my future be a surprise and not have to worry about what is going to happen to me. I believe that if you work hard your future will turn out good.

9:42 PM  
Blogger Max L said...

i would like to know some things abvout my future but also i would like to let al ot of things just happen the way they are meant ot happen. You have to live your life day by day and if you wonder what is going to happen next for you, you could drive yourself crazy. your future is basically based on what you do now and what your decisions are now so in a way you kind of determine your own fture. sure it would be nice to know certain things but i think that ir is best to let things pan out and figure it out later.

11:37 PM  
Blogger Morgan H said...

If i was given the abbility to see what my future would hold i would not want to see it. Half the fun in life is going through it not knowing whats going to happen. Going through the stuggles of life and coming out and saying that you accomplished it and although it was hard you did it. Setting Goals for the future. If people could see their future there would be nothing worth working for. You could just slack off and say, well i will have this job or whatever it may be in the future. If i were to see my future i might not understand what was going on. It might be like one big blurb, that would keep me guessing, if this were to happen it would be the one good thing about seeing my future, because i would have to work to find out what happens. You should always do your best and work your hardest becuase no one knows your future, not even yourself.

6:37 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

If i found a crystal ball could tell me any one thing about my life, i would choose to know nothing. The future itself isn't a thing that stays the same. Every choice you make will effect you a different way in the future. And even if it was correct i would still choose not to know my future. knowing how your life is going to turn out will defeat the purpose of life.

7:03 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7:03 AM  

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