In "And Those Who Don't" Esperanza discusses how outsiders see her neighborhood and how she reacts to being an outsider. Write about your experience(s) with outsiders or as an outsider. Consider the new kids at school, newcomers to the neighborhood, visitors from the neighborhood or country. What people, situations, or customs are difficult to understand? Choose words that capture the emotions of being an outsider.
I travel a lot and all countrys have different customs. Also many countrys have different languages. I have an especialy hard time when I can’t even understand what people are saying. And if I try to get around on subways it is hard to know where I am going if I can’t read the signs. I also know what it is like to feel left out in school especialy in middle school with all the clicks. When I started middle scool it was really scary because only a couple people from my elementary school went to Powell most went to Newton. It ended up being ok because I made new friends and I still am making new friends whenever I get the chance. My dad often has family work partys and often I am the oldest there so I never know what to do. So I end up akwardly standing around waiting for soimthing to do. I think this what it would feel like to be an outsider.
On our street we have lived there longer than anybody else. We have had plenty of new neighbors over the years and everytime we don't see the family for serveral weeks and then final we deside to go over there to invite them for dinner. When we do they are always very happy to meet their neighbors. Since they never come out much you would think that they were just shy but they never are. I know how they feel because I have moved once and it is hard. You feel very uncomfortable and out of place. You try to fit in but it is difficult to change the way you live after so many years. Once you get used to things it is a lot easy. You will never feel the same but you do feel like you are apart of something.
I haven't moved before so I don't know what its like to be an outsider in that way, but I have had a lot of friends move away. I always feel sorry for people who move, I know that there is always a chance to find new friends, but I don't think that I could deal with losing my friends and trying to meet new ones. I haven't experienced the extreme of being an outsider but I do understand it a little. For the past three summers I have been going down to southwest Colorado to mission for my church and each year I go to a different town. And you feel like an outsider because the towns are so small and everyone knows each other and they stare at your weird the first time the see you. Words I think of when I hear outsider is foreigner and newcomer.
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i my life i have never really felt like an outsider, but i have helped thoes who have felt like one because i have sympathy for thoes kinds of people. At my old school there were a lot of who came to my school, and i tried to help them and be as nice a possible because that is what i would want done for me. There was this one particular kid that came when i was in 7th grade,l he was kind of strange and he was really quiet. One day i saw him in the hallway and he looked kind of confused so i helped him find what he needed. I did not talk to him on a regular basis but when i would see him in the halls i would smile at him or say hi, because i would want someone to do the same for me. I still always feel sorry for these kids because you never know their story. So a lot of people can learn a lesson from this to be nice to newcomers because they are lonely and in a new place so it is good to be nice to them.
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