Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Conflicting Conflicts

What sort of conflict is worse to endure?: man vs. man, man vs. nature, or man vs. self? Do you need to be a stronger person for some types of conflict? Please make sure to give specifics-justify your response; a sentence is not a repsonse-remember!


Blogger Joyce B. said...

I believe that man verses self is worse. I believe this because, with man verses man, after the conflict is resolved you most likely avoid the other person, but I don't see how a person could avoid them self. With man verses nature you can usually overcome the conflict and it will just be part of your past, but with man verse self you can't always overcome the conflict. I think allot of conflicts people have with them selves have to do with being self-conscious and that can be really tuff. That is why I think Man verses self is the hardest conflict to endure. I think there are definitely some types of conflicts that take more strength than others. I think man verses self conflicts take more inner strength than other conflicts. If a person was in a conflict where they were fighting a bear they would need more physical strength than the average person. There are also small conflicts that don't take much strength such as fighting about who gets to play with a certain toy. That is why I think that some conflicts take more strength than others.

3:34 PM  
Blogger Mike W. said...

I truly think man versus himself is the most hurtful in many ways. Someone who has to fight against themselves is unable to make decisions or anything! A person who fights verse himself is desposing of his enemy and his entire being. People may have difficulties, but when you are fighting yourself you cannot fix them. Man versus himself is kinda like a disease, it hurts you from the inside out until you are out of reach for help.

6:00 PM  
Blogger Max L said...

I think that it is harder when it is man vs self. For one because that perticular situation might involve courage. Like if you are nervous about something and you need to step up your courage and deal with the certain situation. Because courage is one of the most important things in a persons life. And yes you do need to be strong for certain situations and conflict, like ones where a person or both people need to use a lot of courage to deal with a situation. This kind of thing happenes every day and i respect every person who has the courage to do something that they are nervous about because they think that it is the right decision.

7:34 PM  
Blogger Brianne D. said...

This was personally a hard question for me because each conflict has its pros and cons. But personally I think man verses self is the hardest. This is because you’re yourselves biggest critic. May it be looks or grades, there is lots of critiquing a person gives themselves. Failure is probably hardest for me to take. I believe humans hold themselves at the greatest standers. Man verses himself is especially hard working with sickness. Let it be mental or physical the person is fighting against himself. But man verses man and man verses nature are equally difficult. I think fighting against someone of your own kind is hard also because humans care so much about companionship. Also, nature’s difficult because it's unpredictable in most situations and it can't be stopped. Finally I believe that a person has to be stronger in different ways for different conflicts. But again I think that the stronger situation for a person is man verses himself, because it is fighting struggle against a persons own body.

7:43 PM  
Blogger kevin y said...

I believe that the worst conflict to endure is man vs. himself because you can't win. When you fight yourself you will always win and lose and when you lose you end up making yourself feel not important. I think that when you verus nature or another man it is easier because you can win and when you do it makes you feel better about yourself. You also don't need to be as a strong of a person to verus those things but you still be strong. You need to be a very strong person inorder to verus yourself because you have to get over the problem and just deal with the consequences.

7:48 PM  

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