Friday, April 06, 2007

Seeing the Future

If a crystal ball would tell you the truth about any one thing you wished to know concerning yourself/life, the future, ore anyting else- what would you want to know? Would you even want to know anything?

Friday, November 10, 2006

Growing Up

Please respond to both questions: Why do you think growing up, as a teenager, this day and age, can be so difficult or such challenge? What is the one thing you wish for, (seriously), during this time in your life?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Gil's Furniture Questions

Please do not answer the questions on this blog: Do it on a separate sheet of paper-

1) How do the personality differences between the two sisters show up in the store?

2) Why does Esperanza pretend she doesn't care about the music box?

3) Why is the music in Gil's shop so emotional for each character? Infer what the music gives to the community that they usually wouldn't have.

3) What literary devices are used to describe the music from the music box?

4) How does Esperanza describe her embarrassment?

5) Describe a time in your life when you were embarrasssed by your lack of understanding of a new technology, concept in class, directions in class or out of school, or simply an event where you weren't sure what everyone was doing.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Life Application Questions

Please answer one of the following: Please consider strong word choice, conventions, and fluency. Make sure your response is reflective and thorough and you answer all parts of the question.

1)What does the word EQUAL mean? Do you beleive it means the same thing that it did when Jefferson used it in the Declaration of Independence-"all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights"? Does this idea still hold true today?

2)As Americans, what do we have the right to expect for ourselves from other citizens and our government? Do immigrants to this country have the right to the same expectations? Why or why not?


In "And Those Who Don't" Esperanza discusses how outsiders see her neighborhood and how she reacts to being an outsider. Write about your experience(s) with outsiders or as an outsider. Consider the new kids at school, newcomers to the neighborhood, visitors from the neighborhood or country. What people, situations, or customs are difficult to understand? Choose words that capture the emotions of being an outsider.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Grading Test Relection

Today, in class, you all diligently graded your tests in groups, collaborating on the correct answers and discussing any discrepancies. Please reflect upon the process; you must respond to the question and ALSO respond to one other person's comment for full credit.

By grading collaboratively-What did it teach you? What did you take away? Was this a good measure of your learning and effort? Do you believe your group was honest and forthcoming in giving, or not giving, credit to individuals? Were there any problems?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Conflicting Conflicts

What sort of conflict is worse to endure?: man vs. man, man vs. nature, or man vs. self? Do you need to be a stronger person for some types of conflict? Please make sure to give specifics-justify your response; a sentence is not a repsonse-remember!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Lady or the Tiger Post

Although the question your classmates same up with is valid ( and not to take anyting away from them-the effort and intent is there), I want to post another. One purpose is to get you to think about how you question at a higher level regarding these stories. Please respond:

Do we choose our own paths or does fate play a role in our lives?