Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Lady or the Tiger Post

Although the question your classmates same up with is valid ( and not to take anyting away from them-the effort and intent is there), I want to post another. One purpose is to get you to think about how you question at a higher level regarding these stories. Please respond:

Do we choose our own paths or does fate play a role in our lives?

Monday, August 28, 2006


Please answer both parts:(If you need to change your display name, first name and last name initial, please do)_

What is the purpose of learning? What are the purpose of grades?

Monday, August 21, 2006

Good Students, Class, and Teacher

Please answer each part.
What are the qualities of an effective/productive student? What are the qualities of an effective teacher? What does this class need in order to have a productive learning environment?